At Chain Reaction, we pride ourselves on being a positive source of inspiration for our teens. Below we have compiled the most common questions our donors have concerning Chain Reaction. If you have additional questions, make sure to call us at the Center.


How can I become a donor?

Chain Reaction appreciates all the help we receive from our donors. To make the process as streamlined and trouble-free as possible we take donations online, over the phone, or in the mail. For donations we accept: Donate Goods/Services Corporate or Foundation Philanthropic Gifts Give Through the Workplace Event Sponsorship If you need more information, please call the Chain Reaction Center to contact us, or fill out the mini form to have us contact you!

How do I become a partner?

Chain Reaction Education through applied service learning and civic projects teaches our teens important life skills, identity and character development. All of Chain Reaction’s service projects are linked directly to our curriculum to ensure positive learning experiences in a controlled environment.

I work with an organization that needs volunteers. How do I get teens to help out my company?

Chain Reaction is a service learning program that does not provide teens for direct volunteer assistance. If you are a registered 501c(3) looking to recruit volunteers for an upcoming opportunity with your organization, please contact United Way of Escambia County at volunteer@unitedwayescambia.org.

I've been a donor in the past and I want to donate again! What do I do?

Chain Reaction values its donors, past and present. If you wish to donate and already have a relationship with the organization, please call the Chain Reaction Center and we’ll take care of you.

Why should I donate to Chain Reaction?

Chain Reaction is a local, grassroots organization changing teens lives through service centered curriculum. By donating, you are systemically changing teens’ education by allowing them to learn through service outside of school. By supporting us, you are both directly impacting Pensacola and its citizens, as well as retaining talented youth for the future success of our community. We recognize that donors want visibility, to help with that goal a few of Chain Reaction’s events focus on advertising and showcasing our donors. Give us a call.

Is there any way I can donate my time instead of my money?

There are many ways to volunteer with Chain Reaction that include Board positions, Chain Reaction interns, committee members, serving as a speaker at Teen Convention, or directly working with teens. As in chemistry there are many elements that support each other.

If you have further questions, make sure to give us a call.

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P: 850.471.4685
E: info@mychainreaction.org
1000 College Blvd. Bldg 98, Pensacola, FL 32504
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