Senior year is a very exciting time. But it is also filled with tremendous stress, procrastination, regret, and frustration, as teens determine what life will look like after high school. But I have great news! If it is done the right way, it can be a time of growth and excitement.
Chain Reaction is here to guide you through the college process and decisions. One of my favorite quotes is, “There is no failure; you either win or you learn.” That is step one in helping your child determine their next steps.
First, asses what they have achieved in high school to prepare for college applications, which can be a 2 year college, 4 years college, or trade school. What is their GPA? How many clubs and after school activities have they been involved with? Have they had a job or held a leadership position? And what are those ACT and SAT scores? Once you have that information, it’s time to look at the data to determine what the next best step for YOUR child is.
Graduating high school is a great accomplishment, and graduating from college is another huge win. But the gold medal goes to the teenager that wins their meaningful career and graduates debt free. Like I always say, "I have a college degree and my hair stylist makes five times my salary." There are thousands of paths to achieve their dreams and CR’s "Welcome to Senior Year" can help take the stress out of that process and help your child navigate this daunting process.
For more information email info@mychainreaction.org, call (850) 471-4585 or go to our Facebook page.